You are currently viewing GRIEVANCE REDRESSAL POLICY




A(1) The Organisation shall have a Grievance Redressal Policy providing the procedure for receiving, processing, redressing and disclosing grievances against the Organisation or any member of the Organisation by-

(a) any member of the Organisation;

(b) any person who has engaged the services of the concerned members of the Organisation; or

(c) any other person or class of persons as may be provided by the Governing Board.

(2) The Grievance Redressal Committee, after examining the grievance, may-

(a) dismiss the grievance if it is devoid of merit; or

(b) initiate a mediation between parties for redressal of grievance.

(3) The Grievance Redressal Committee shall refer the matter to the Disciplinary Committee, wherever the grievance warrants disciplinary action.

B. The Grievance Redressal Policy shall provide for-

(a) the format and manner for filing grievances;

(b) maximum time for acknowledging receipt of a grievance is 10 working days in the prescribed format;

(c) maximum time for the disposal of the grievance by way of dismissal, reference to the Disciplinary Committee or the initiation of mediation i.e. 15 working days;

(d) details of the mediation mechanism

(e) provision of a report of the grievance and mediation proceedings to the parties to the grievance upon dismissal or resolution of the grievance;

(f) action to be taken in case of malicious or false complaints;

(g) maintenance of a register of grievances made and resolutions arrived at; and

(h) periodic review of the Grievance Redressal Mechanism.

Policy Brief & Purpose

Our Grievance Redressal Policy explains how members can voice their complaints in a constructive way. Grievance Redressal Committee and Governing Body should know everything that annoys members or hinders their curriculum, so they can resolve it as quickly as possible. Members should be able to follow a fair grievance procedure to be heard and avoid conflicts.

The purpose of this organization is to encourage members to communicate their grievances. That way we can foster a supportive and pleasant workplace for everyone.

The Policy will also ensure that such grievances are dealt with promptly, fairly and in accordance with other related Policies of the Organization. This includes concerns from a member about an action that has been taken or a contemplated action in relation to them.

This policy should be read in conjunction with other related Policy Documents such as the Code of Conduct. Any additional related Policies passed by the Organization will automatically become conjunct to this Policy.


This policy refers to everyone in the company regardless of position or status.

The initial approach to settling any issue is open communication.  A member should first seek to resolve any complaint with his/her immediate senior through informal discussion.  If such discussion does not resolve the matter informally, and the member believes that his/her complaint rises to the level of a grievance, then the member may initiate a formal grievance as described in this policy in an effort to seek an equitable solution.

For the purposes of this Policy, a ‘grievance’ is defined as any type of problem, concern, or complaint related to work or the work environment. a grievance may be about and act, omission, situation, or decision that the member thinks to be unfair, discriminatory, or unjustified.

This Grievance Redressal Policy shall not be available to contest, dismissal, demotion, suspension or other disciplinary measure. If a grievance is filed and a disciplinary action has begun for the same or related issue, no further action shall be taken with the grievance procedures while such disciplinary action is pending.

Policy elements

Grievance Definition

We define grievance as any complaint, problem or concern of a member regarding their workplace, job or co-worker relationships.

Members can file grievances for any of the following reasons:

  • Workplace harassment

  • Health and safety

  • Inappropriate Behaviour

This list in not exhaustive. However, members should try to resolve less important issues informally before they resort to a formal grievance.

Members who file grievances can:

  • Reach out to direct Chairperson or Member of the Grievance Redressal Committee

  • File a grievance form explaining the situation in detail

  • Appeal against any formal decision

Members who face allegation have the right to:

  • Receive a copy of the allegations against them

  • Respond to the allegations

  • Appeal against any formal decision

The Committee is obliged to:

  • Have a formal grievance procedure in place

  • Communicate the procedure

  • Investigate all grievances promptly

  • Treat all members who file grievances equally

  • Preserve confidentiality at any stage of the process

  • Resolve all grievances at the earliest


Whenever the grievance procedure is being followed, it is important that issues should dealt fairly. The following elements shall be considered in doing so:

  • All members should always try to resolve problems in the work place at the earliest possible opportunity and usually with the least possible formality.

  • All efforts shall be put to address matters before they reach the stage of becoming a formal grievance issue.

  • All members should raise and deal with issues promptly and should not unreasonably delay meetings, decisions or confirmation of those decisions.

  • All members should act consistently.

The Organization recognizes that a formal grievance procedure can be a stressful and upsetting experience for all members involved. Hence, members involved in the process are entitled to be treated calmly with respect wile upholding confidentiality. The Organization will not accept and/or tolerate abusive or insulting behaviour form anyone taking part in or conducting grievance procedures. Any such behaviour will be treated as misconduct under the disciplinary policy of the Organization.

The Organization also recognizes the diverse needs of the services provided as well as that of the workforce. Hence, this Policy is aimed to provide a common platform that ensures the processes implemented under this Policy does not place any member at a disadvantage over others.


Developing and implementing a procedure for lodging and managing grievances shall compliment this Policy. The Grievance Redressal Committee shall develop such procedures in consultation with the Governing Body from time to time as it deems fit.

The Grievance Redressal Committee should follow the procedure below:

  1. Ask member to fill out a grievance form

  2. Talk with the member to ensure the matter is understood completely

  3. Provide the member who faces allegations with a copy of the grievance

  4. Organize mediation procedures (e.g. arranging a formal meeting)

  5. Investigate the matter or ask the help of an investigator when needed

  6. Keep members informed throughout the process

  7. Communicate the formal decision/report to all members involved

  8. Take actions to ensure the formal decision is adhered to

  9. Deal with appeals by gathering more information and investigating further

  10. Keep accurate records

This procedure may vary according to the nature of a grievance. For example, if a member is found guilty of racial discrimination or malicious or false complaints the company shall begin disciplinary procedures.


This Policy applies to grievances filed once the Policy comes into effect. No grievance shall be heard unless it has been filed under the process of lodging within 30 days after the act or the condition giving rise to the grievance.


The Grievance Committee shall be responsible to ensure that grievances are dealt with effectively in accordance with the Grievance Procedures set out for the implementation of this Policy.

In doing so, the Committee shall adhere to the following principles

  • Take grievances seriously taking on board why the member feels aggrieved, unhappy or dissatisfied,

  • Investigate the facts and surrounding circumstances, and showing the members that this been done thoroughly and sensitively,

  • Actively look for a solution that will satisfy the member, where practical, without causing disproportionate difficulty for the organization or the Member’s colleagues,

  • Provide feedback to the member about what can, and cannot be done to resolve the grievance,

  • Take necessary follow-up action


The Committee should ensure that the following minimal set of records is kept for matters attended by the Committee. The Human Resources department shall be the responsible unit that ensures the filing and safekeeping of the records.

  • The nature of the grievance

  • Written grievance statement

  • Action taken with reasons for it to be taken

  • A written statement of the decisions


The Grievance Redressal Committee shall review Grievance Redressal Mechanism in the first month of financial year i.e. April or whenever the need arises to review in consultation with the Governing Body to make such changes required or otherwise.


The decisions of the Committee shall be final. However, the Grievance Procedure should include an appeals mechanism whereby, a grievant can raise further dissatisfaction with a decision of the Committee. The Committee shall send to the grievant, a written statement of its decision within 10 days of completion of the process.


All members of the Grievance Redressal Committee and those assigned for record keeping, as well as any staff member questioned in relation to an issue at hand, are bound by the duty of confidentiality at all the times and hold in confidence, all documentation and information exchanged in the process.