Registered Valuers Organisation
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Why to JOIN US

We are offering Educational Course as specified by the Insolvency and Bankruptcy Board of India to be eligible to take examination to become Registered Valuer on enrolment with RVO and registration with IBBI after clearing the examination.
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Welcome to CEV Integral Appraisers Foundation- A Recognised RVO by IBBI

Er. Rajwinder Singh
Chief Executive Officer

Er Sundeep Bansal
Managing Director

Dr Shefalika
Executive Director

Dr Sanjeev N.
Chief Education Advisor
Council of Engineers & Valuers (CEV) IAF RVO is formed as a professional body of Valuers recognised Registered Valuers Organisation by IBBI & member of International Valuation Standards Council IVSC, (As a member of IVSC we follow International Valuation Standards.) with a view to enhance their professional competence in valuation field by arranging seminars and short term course for them & to initiate, carry out, execute, implement, aid and assist activities towards skill development of Valuers and to integrate the community of Valuers.
To improve the quality of knowledge, information, market development & changes, skill, expertise, services through regular education and training sessions, exchange of experience between members, facilitate introduction of best practices and disseminate information of Valuation to upgrade skill, knowledge, expertise and living standards of the Members, to set out ethical standards for the members which includes to promote social, educational and economic up-liftment of the members and to promote, run and maintain centres for social need, legal aid, health- medical & counselings services, health care activities, sports activities, research activities, charitable activities, environmental protection activities, rural development activities, social & welfare activities which are directly linked to valuers….. Read More

ITEMS | Price | |
₹2360₹10000 | ||
₹2360₹7000 | ||
₹2478₹5000 | ||
₹2832₹15000 |
What Our Candidates Say